Soar is the bitesize SEO course for female founders

Climb the search engine rankings, boost your visibility and become a dream customer magnet in as little as 30 minutes per week!

Soar is broken down into 15 simple lessons that even the most tech-shy female founders can complete in just 30 minutes.

Whether you choose to complete 1 lesson per week or tackle the whole course in a day, Soar is your perfect guide to becoming front-page famous on Google!

We all know that solid SEO is the key to getting visible on Google and being discovered by more dream customers than ever before. But where to even start?

Start with Soar, obvs!

We've created our signature SEO course especially for busy female founders just like you.

In as little as 30 minutes per week, Soar guides you through the search engine skills required to start boosting your visibility, gathering enquiries and selling your offers consistently through your website.

What’s included in Soar?

All of this is yours to work through at your own pace to start seeing real search engine results.

15 actionable lessons packed with information & practical tasks for levelling up your website SEO.

Membership to our SEO Girl Gang designed to give you the motivation and accountability to get shit done!

Split the cost of Soar, our actionable & bitesized SEO course created exclusively for female founders

Pay in full

Just £298

Split the cost

3 x £99.50

By joining Soar, you’ll also be joining us in our one-of-a-kind SEO girl gang.

Our online community of like minded female founders is designed to build your network, support you if you get stuck AND give you the motivation and accountability to get shit done!

The course was incredible. Honestly packed with so much value and delivered in a super accessible and easy-to-action way. I loved it! Being able to revisit the content any time was so useful, as I could pick and choose when to work on the tasks and never felt left behind. The community was also so supportive - proper girl gang vibes, and who doesn't want that in their life?!


Loved the course and content, it’s been so helpful and I’ve revisited loads as I’ve been putting my new site together. The written content and videos break everything down and make it super applicable. Just proves that SEO doesn’t have to be scary or complex.


As female founders ourselves, we get how precious your time is.

That’s why each 30 minute lesson is focussed on guiding you through an actionable SEO-boosting task, so you can maximise your results while minimising your time commitment.

Hear from busy female founders just like you who have already taken this course & loved it!

SEO Course review from female founder 'Gang, I'm really enjoying this week's SEO task!'
Introductions into the SEO Girl Gang, part of the Soar SEO course for female founders
Review from female founder 'Really grateful to be a part of this group! Thanks loves'
Review for SEO Course 'Hi gang, did my SEO tasks yesterday and found looking at competitors sites fascinating!'
Soar, the SEO course for female founders, review from a member of the SEO girl gang
'Hi gang loving the blogging tips in this portion of th SEO course'

Want the piping hot tea?

Here’s everything you need to know about Soar

  • Great SEO is the difference between your website being neglected at the bottom of Google and being visible af to your dreamiest ever customers.

    If you want a business that markets itself to your ideal client without tonnes of regular input, SEO is your answer. Start making your website do the tough marketing work for you so you can start running your business without the marketing fear.

  • Each lesson will be a mix of video and text content delivered in bitesized lessons. Each lesson is broken down into ‘learning’ and ‘doing’ so that each step of the course stays actionable.

    The community aspect of the course will help you stay motivated to take positive action in your business (plus, we’ll be there to troubleshoot if you do get stuck).

  • Every member will be added to our SEO Girl Gang Discord server (it’s just like Slack) where you can ask questions and work through issues. We’ll be checking in frequently to make sure everyone’s got the support they need.

  • Soar has been created especially for beginners! You don’t need to be a web designer, you don’t need to know any code and you definitely don’t need to have previous SEO experience.

    All you need in order to join in with Soar is a business that has a live website. The rest we’ll teach you along the way!

  • Waitlist members can access the course for the special pre-sale price of £198 - or 3 x monthly payments of £66.

    Regular course price is £297 or 3 x monthly payments of £99.

  • Nope! We have opened this course up to all website platforms.

    The bulk of the content is about understanding exactly what you need to do to improve your SEO. We’ll include links to ‘how-to’ content for Squarespace, Wix, Wordpress and Showit wherever appropriate.

  • Nothing within the course is compulsory! Like every other aspect of Soar though, we feel the online community is essential to making the most of your iconic new online presence.

  • You can work through the course at a pace that works for you. Once you’ve booked into Soar, you’ll have full lifetime access to the course.

    We recommend allowing 30 minutes per lesson, but it’s up to you how quickly you work through them.

    Use the online community for accountability if you need extra motivation to get it done.